Operating Potentials

The PersiIran Gas holding highly supplies over 6,000,000 customers of different types such as commercial, industrial and domestic demands , in addition to support more than 12,000,000 in-circled cylinders utilizing its standard features:

• 40 Cylinder-filling infrastructure of foundation proprietor
• 8 collaborative Cylinder-filling plus 180 private installations.
• The extensive distribution network with more than 1600
delegations and 3000 representatives(agents) among all Iran’s cities, towns and villages.
• 252 providing contracts with active industrial portions in Iran such as:
Tiles & ceramics
China – Dish makers
Live stocks
Tiles & ceramics
China – Dish makers
Live stocks
Sustainable Development Policies and Plans:

The PersiIran Gas Holding has been always striven to provide the best for its customers based on excellent quality and customer care services. Here are some valuable efforts just for instance:
• To make an online SMS services and respond to customers issues 24-hour a day
• To yearly renovate and fix hundreds of out-dated gas cylinders and its Paraphernalia
• Storage built of Discharge and Loading Railway station in Zahedan, Iran
• To modernize the roadway and railway transportation fleet
• To revamp and renovate the proprietors foundation and factories
• To upgrade a new safety generation of Liquid gas cylinder, installations, discharge and reloading railway stations
• To export and transfer the liquid gas
• To export the liquid gas cylinders
• To invent the new generation of composite cylinders
Technical Support and Engineering Services:

With over 40 years experience and veteran experts.
•To construct the manufacturing and repairing cylinder factory
•To design and perform projects of storing LPG and other oil products plus constructing bulk tankers
•To construct oil and gas transferring pipelines, Load and Unloading stations
•To construct tanks and other equipments associated with oil and gas industry
•To construct different scale cylinder- filling facilities
•To train technical experts and operators

•Technical checkup, repair and reassemble machines and other vital gas equipment
•To provide all commercial, official and engineering services associated with oil, gas and petrochemical industry.
•To consult, design &perform and finally direct supervision on technical installation projects included Civil, Mechanical or Electrical
•To attend all tender and auction bids here and overseas, free-trade zones and specific areas of direct business in particular
•To do feasibility study through our engineering team